Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Better Late Than Never

Since school controls my life, I'm a little late on my Valentine's Day post. But because the day holds such a special place in my heart, I figured better late than never.

Two years ago, my sweet boyfriend at the time planned a surprise getaway weekend, complete with my parents, tons of fun, and the biggest surprise of my life.

This was taken pre-Valentine's Day dinner. It had been the best weekend, and I definitely wasn't expecting any big moments.

But, the boyfriend became the fiance that night, and our lives changed forever. I adore him more now than I did then, and I can't believe how far we've come since that perfect day.

Michael is everything I've ever wanted in a soul mate and so much more. He makes me laugh, takes care of my every need and continues to surprise me with his drive and determintation.

Thanks for your continuous support, love and encouragement, babe. You brighten my days and make me a better person.

I'm so glad you stalked me in the Thompson Building and didn't give up when you got shot down. :) I wouldn't trade our story for anything.

I love ya to the moon and back.


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