Thursday, September 2, 2010

13 Months

People often talk about making it through the first year of marriage. When we did that, on August 1, I thought I'd make sure not to jinx anything and discuss our first year after 13 months. :) (I'm one day late because I meant to post this yesterday. Oops!) So, here we are. It is officially the Richardson's 13 month anniversary, and it feels pretty dang good.

It was both the easiest and hardest thing I've ever done. In our first two months of marriage we moved to a different state where we knew no one, got new jobs, bought a car and many other stressful things. It was not always easy, but I always knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be.

Michael is the most wonderful person I've ever known. He makes me a better version of myself. His patience, smile, heart, laugh and stubborness are all things I adore about him. We really are the best of friends and that helps us appreciate both the peaks and the valleys. I can't imagine not being his wife and feel so blessed.

During the past year we have bought our first home, made new friends, gone back to school, got job promotions, traveled as often as possible, adopted a new dog, gone on countless hikes, runs, bike rides and ski trips, and loved abundantly. We've also yelled, cried, fought, been selfish and learned a lot about what it takes to make a marriage work. And I wouldn't change a thing.

Here are some pictures of our first year together...


Kelsey said...

So cute! That picture of you kissing him with your ring showing would make a perfect engagement pic! Your 1st year looks so fun!

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