Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Oh Lent

Well, I've been MIA for approximately one month, so maybe that's a good illustration of how busy I am right now. Between school and work and a hubs and the pups, there isn't much down time.

In the midst of all the craziness I decided to give up a couple of things for lent this year. It isn't part of my faith and not something I usually participate in, but I definitely appreciate the idea of sacrifice and think we could all do a little more of that.

I chose to give up soda and red meat this year. They're not super meaningful, but if you know me then you know giving up pop is a tall order. I love me some caffeine, and working all day then going to school almost demands it. That being said, I don't like feeling "addicted" so I think this is a great step.

I convinced Michael to participate as well and he decided to give up red meat and fast food. Since he was doing it I thought red meat seemed reasonable to add to my list.

So, I've faithfully stuck to plan and been sans soda and red meat for one week. I'm not going to lie and say it's been easy. I want a cheeseburger and a coke pretty badly right now. But I'm not giving in and will not partake in either until April 23.

Whew! Even though they're a tad superficial I feel proud to be taking control a little bit. And I'm also committing to spend more time in prayer and really prepare my spirit for Easter's true meaning.


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