Friday, March 18, 2011

Prayers for Japan

No one reads this blog. It's more of an online journal for me. That being said, I'm still doing this post because I think it's important.

I believe in what this organization does, trust them and have a special in my heart for the work they do. So, if you're looking for a way to help the people of Japan, I highly suggest contributing to Habitat for Humanity.

Donate to Help Pacific Earthquake and Tsunami Victims

A deadly 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan on Friday, March 11. The resulting aftershocks and tsunami destroyed homes, vehicles and entire towns. Thousands of people were killed and thousands are still missing.

Habitat for Humanity is assessing the damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and will work with government authorities and other organizations to determine how we can help. In the short-term, Habitat for Humanity’s response will include mobilizing volunteers in Japan to work with other organizations in the initial clean-up and relief operation.

To respond effectively, we need your help. Please make a donation to help Habitat serve families affected by this disaster.

Click here to donate.


Kelsey said...

I read this blog! Never stop writing please!

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