Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Love Me Some Reality TV!

I'm watching one of my favorite shows right now, The Biggest Loser. I love it. I think it's very inspirational and does so much good for so many people.

Anyway, my favorites that are left are Sunshine and Daris. They are adorable and doing so well! I hope they make it to the finale.

So, I sort of thought The Biggest Loser helped motivate me to workout harder and really get in shape and be healthy. Turns out I was a little bit wrong.

I LOVE working out. That's the fun part to me. Being active and wanting to be fit has never been a problem for me. But I just finished a bowl of chocolate ice cream. That's the problem.

I LOVE to eat, too. And eating healthy isn't much of a priority to me. I know, I know, my metabolism's going to slow down one day and it's all going to catch up with me. Well, hopefully when that happens, my obsession with being fit will override my passion for yummy, wonderful junk food.

We'll see how it goes. For now, I'm going to keep watching my buddies on The Biggest Loser and root them on until the finish. And who knows, maybe I'll keep my ice cream consumption to one time this week. But Cinco de Mayo is tomorrow, so I can't make any promises about margaritas!


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