Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Tonight is the night...Glee is back. Man, I have missed this show! I can't wait to see what this season has in store.

In honor if this momontous occasion, I'm going to share some quotes from Sue Sylvester. Surely this will get you excited about what's to come!

Sue: One girl ate a pigeon. That's how badly they wanna be Cheerios.

Sue: Your hair looks like a briar patch. I keep expecting racist, animated Disney characters to pop up and start singing about living on the bayou.

Will: Inside, you're a really good person. I appreciate what you're doing for these kids. I won't forget it.

Sue: I'm seriously gonna puke in your mouth.

Sue: You know, for me trophies are like herpes. You can try to get rid of them but they just keep coming. Sue Sylvester has hourly flair ups of burning itchy highly contagious talent.

Sue: I just lost my train of thought because you have so much margarine in your hair.

Sue: You think this hard. I'm passing a gallstone as we speak. That is hard!

Sue: You have enough product in your hair to season a wok.

Sue: All I want is just one day a year when I'm not visually assaulted by uglies and fatties.

Sue: I empower my Cheerios to be champions. Do they go to college? I don't know. I don't care. Should they learn Spanish? Sure, if they wanna become dishwashers and gardeners.

Sue: I don't trust a man with curly hair. I can't help but picture little birds laying sulfurous eggs in there, and it disgusts me.


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